With our outdated infrastructure forced to take on more and more new development, they have shown it is at the breaking point, and with no new fixes, this trend will continue to be a huge problem, with raw sewage flowing on our streets, and into our waterways.
I learned at Croissant Park Elementary School in the 2nd Grade, concrete does not absorb water. In my River Oaks Neighborhood, of 60+ years, we were never a flood zone, we had a system in place by Mother Nature, creeks, ponds, preserves, all drained and built upon. That is why i am the only candidate endorsed by Mother Nature, herself.
The City is getting what they invited, by more and more traffic due to more and more Mega-Towers on the same streets that are not being updated. I was at a DRC Meeting, when a development on SE 3rd Ave , their Traffic Study, said that an additional 1,000 more cars in a 4 block area would have no affect on the traffic flow!! I laughed out loud, and then was asked to leave.
Ted’s Thoughts
We, as a City, must fight to keep OUR Identity as both The Venice of America , and a Tropical Paradise . Our Elected Officials , over the years, have been passing laws, changing zoning, and giving away OUR vital Green Spaces. I will fight to finally pass THE TREE ORDINANCE , which under the pressure of developers , has failed to pass 3x. The benefit from OUR tree canopy is overwhelming, from us as residents, and the wildlife population we live with. I will stress that we have to learn to live “with the land” and not only “on the land” . I was on the front line of saving THE RAIN TREE, which is well documented, before the other candidates had a clue. I was also on the front line of SAVING SNYDER PARK, before the other candidates even knew where it was. I will lead a REAL cleanup of OUR waterways, and not just a photo op, like happened in the past. I will turn back time, and make sure the line from an Eagles song–“call someplace paradise, kiss it goodby” DOES NOT HAPPEN to our home.